The D334B Sync Module provides the front panel power switch, power-on/error LED, Pulse & Gate (EXT) In & Synchronisation (SYNC) sockets and a Single pulse button. The gating circuitry has been carefully designed so that only “whole” pulses are delivered to the preparations.
The D334B Sync Module provides the front panel power switch, power-on/fault bi-colour LED, synchronising sockets, single pulse button and indicator for the GATE waveform.
The D334B is generally used in applications where an external gating pulse from another device is used to activate the D332T Pulse module (via the Gate input) or when an externally derived pulse is used to define stimulus duration and frequency (via the Pulse input). In the latter scenario, a D332T would not be necessary.
Product Information
D330 MultiStim Brochure
D330 MultiStim Operating Modes
D330 MultiStim Module Selection Flowchart
Publications which cite use of the Digitimer D330 MultiStim can be found on Google Scholar.