D440 2 or 4 Channel Isolated EMG Amplifier

D440 2 or 4 Channel Isolated EMG Amplifier

£3,400.00£4,200.00 exc. VAT

Manufacturer's Net List Price


  • Portable, standalone design
  • Extremely low noise
  • Rapid recovery from stimulus artefacts e.g magnetic or electrical stimulation
  • AC and DC operating modes
  • Analogue signal output for ultimate compatibility with data acquisition systems



The Digitimer D440 Isolated EMG Amplifier is a a portable and standalone, low noise solution for human EMG studies, specifically those related to nerve excitability. The D440 features an amplification range of x100 to x20k. The gain, filter and mode settings for individual channels are adjusted using our own “virtual front panel” software or other software via a COM interface.  The D440 is available in two versions, the D440-2 – a 2 Channel Isolated Amplifier – and the D440-4 – a 4 Channel Isolated Amplifier.

AC and DC Operating Modes

The D440 is designed to operate in AC and DC differential modes and includes a manually activated or externally gated de-block function, which can be useful for minimising the effects of magnetic stimulation artifacts.

Compatible with Standard Electrode Connectors

Electrodes are connected to the front panel via 1.5mm DIN 42 802 or standard 5-pole DIN connectors.

Designed for Human Research Applications

The D440 has been designed to meet international medical device design standards, however, it is NOT a medical device and its use is limited to human research studies only.

QtracW – Threshold Tracking & Nerve Excitability

The D440 has been designed to appeal to users of our DS5 Bipolar Constant Current Stimulator, who employ the DS5 and QtracW software to research human nerve excitability. This application requires a very low noise amplifier, which outputs an analog signal and can be controlled directly by the QtracW data acquisition software. These requirements are fully satisfied by the Digitimer D440 Isolated Amplifier.

Analogue Outputs for DAQ Hardware Compatibility

Each D440 amplifier is supplied with a signal output cable (D440-OL-xx, D connector to multiple BNC), electrode connection cable (D-440-IL, 1.2m long with 3x 1.5mm DIN42802 sockets for electrode connection and 270 degree 5-pin DIN plug for amplifier connection) and USB cable for connection to the host computer.

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Product Information

D440 Isolated Amplifier

D440 Control Software




Colomer-Poveda, D., Hortobágyi, T., Keller, M., Romero-Arenas, S., & Márquez, G. (2020). Training intensity-dependent increases in corticospinal but not intracortical excitability after acute strength training. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 30(4), 652–661. https://doi.org/10.1111/sms.13608

Davies, J. L. (2020). Using transcranial magnetic stimulation to map the cortical representation of lower-limb muscles. Clinical Neurophysiology Practice. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnp.2020.04.001

Ghasemian-Shirvan, E., Farnad, L., Mosayebi-Samani, M., Verstraelen, S., Meesen, R. L. J., Kuo, M. F., & Nitsche, M. A. (2020). Age-related differences of motor cortex plasticity in adults: A transcranial direct current stimulation study. Brain Stimulation. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2020.09.004

Higashihara, M., Menon, P., van den Bos, M., Pavey, N., & Vucic, S. (2020). Reproducibility of motor unit number index and MScanFit motor unit number estimation across intrinsic hand muscles. Muscle and Nerve, 62(2), 192–200. https://doi.org/10.1002/mus.26839

Higashihara, M., Van den Bos, M. A. J., Menon, P., Kiernan, M. C., & Vucic, S. (2020). Interneuronal networks mediate cortical inhibition and facilitation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(5), 1000–1010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2020.02.012

Hossain, M. J., Kendig, M. D., Wild, B. M., Issar, T., Krishnan, A. V., Morris, M. J., & Arnold, R. (2020). Evidence of altered peripheral nerve function in a rodent model of diet-induced prediabetes. Biomedicines, 8(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines8090313

Kiernan, M. C., Bostock, H., Park, S. B., Kaji, R., Krarup, C., Krishnan, A. V., … Burke, D. (2020). Measurement of axonal excitability: Consensus guidelines. Clinical Neurophysiology. Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2019.07.023

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  • Mains Lead (Power Cord)
  • Operator’s Manual
  • Electrode Connection Input Lead (D440-IL, one per channel)
  • Output Lead (D440-OL-2CH or D440-OL-4CH)
  • USB Cable (D-USB-F)
  • D440 Virtual Front Panel Control Software (supplied on USB Flash Drive)


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    D440 2 Channel Isolated Amplifier, D440 4 Channel Isolated Amplifier