HEKA Patchmaster software


Setting a new standard for electrophysiological software

HEKA Patchmaster software

HEKA PATCHMASTER is a multi-channel stimulation/acquisition software – which has set new standards for modern electrophysiological research.

Not only does it boast all of the beneficial functions of its predecessor, PULSE, it also offers a variety of novel features. As a result, it goes beyond the limits of conventional patch clamp software – giving rise to a higher degree of automation, and providing access to experimental protocols that were impossible in other software packages.

PATCHMASTER has numerous innovations – from an increase in channels (with independent timings) and extended trigger possibilities, to data compression and extended lock-in. Here, our experts explore three of the most important updates.


3 novel features of HEKA PATCHMASTER


1. Protocol Editor

The overall aim of good laboratory practice is to work under reproducible experimental conditions. Data should be collected by different personnel, at different times, under the exact same conditions – therefore allowing that data to be pooled without the risk of error.

As a brand new feature of the PATCHMASTER, the Protocol Editor is designed to make it much easier for scientists to achieve this goal.

Essentially, it enables experimental procedures to be designed and executed automatically. Protocol scripts can be easily created, thus ensuring the experimental approach is standardised. The editor will acquire, store, and analyse the data, then the results can be fed back into the editor.

This tool can be a great boon for particularly complex and precisely timed experimental protocols. And the high degree of automation both increases efficiency and minimises experimental errors.


2. Global variables for sequence editing

A second novel feature of the PATCHMASTER software is the introduction of global variables.

These can be thought of as the glue between the program parts.

When defining a pulse generator sequence, for example, global variables can be used to define (and later edit) the duration of a segment or the amplitude of a stimulation.

If the same parameters are required in multiple segments or sequences, all locations can be edited by changing a single global variable – again, improving the overall efficiency of the experiment.


3. Powerful analysis

The PATCHMASTER software benefits from an extended (and powerful) online analysis.

An arbitrary number of analyses can be performed on newly acquired or replayed data. Even more complex calculations are now possible, and acquisition sequences can be directly linked with appropriate analysis methods.

What’s more, directly analysed data or derivative data can be displayed in several graphs (up to a maximum of 12) and placed in two different online analysis windows.

Not only does this encourage versatility, it also allows for the separation of different data types. For example, one window can be used to display current voltage plots and the other to display time-based data.


Ready to discover the benefits of HEKA PATCHMASTER?

HEKA is dedicated to ‘providing the finest instruments today, to achieve the needed progress of tomorrow’ – and suffice to say, they have certainly pushed the boundaries with this innovative multi-channel data acquisition software.


HEKA amplifierPATCHMASTER operates on both Windows and Macintosh platforms. It provides full software control of iTEV90, EPC 10, EPC 9 and EPC 800 amplifiers. And could be exactly what you need to improve the efficiency, convenience and versatility of your electrophysiological research.

Request your quote today by completing our online form. Or, if you’d like further information on the HEKA PATCHMASTER Software – or any of the HEKA Patch Clamp Amplifiers available at Digitimer – please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experts.

We can answer any questions you may have and advise on the best device and software for your specific requirements. Simply give us a call on 01707 328 347 or send an email to [email protected] and we’ll respond as soon as possible.