QtracW Threshold Tracking Software

QtracW Threshold Tracking Software

£2,000.00£4,000.00 exc. VAT


  • Stimulus response software for nerve, muscle or cortical excitability
  • Optional QTMS protocol extension for solo TMS operators
  • Acquisition via National Instruments DAQ interfaces
  • Compatible with the Digitimer DS5 and DS4 isolated current stimulators
  • Licences for 3 years, discounted for non-commercial users
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Introduction to QtracW Threshold Tracking Software

QtracW Threshold Tracking Software is a flexible, stimulus-response data acquisition program with averaging, threshold-tracking and latency-tracking facilities, originally written for studies of human nerves in vivo, but also used for microneurography, muscle excitability testing and cortical excitability testing with transcranial magnetic stimulation.

It is most appropriate for experiments in which the excitability or response of the preparation varies slowly with time, either due to programmed changes in the stimulus or to an externally initiated treatment, and the data of primary interest are the changes in selected parameters (threshold, amplitude, latency, etc.) of the response with time. All or selected raw response waveforms can also be recorded, enabling the time course of additional response parameters to be calculated after the recording is finished. QTrac (which became QtracW when adapted for Windows) comprises separate stimulation and plotting programs, QTracS and QTracP, both written in Visual Basic 6.0, which have the same mode of operation and share many of the same facilities.

The Digitimer DS5 Bipolar Constant Current Stimulator was specifically designed to work with QtracW software for human studies of nerve/muscle excitability. The major components of a human nerve excitability setup include a PC running QtracW software, a nerve stimulator (e.g. Digitimer DS5), an isolated EMG amplifier (e.g. Digitimer D440-2) and a compatible DAQ interface. We also strongly recommend the Digitimer Humbug Noise Eliminator or D400-2/D400-4 to remove mains interference, as many QtracW systems are mobile and used in electrically noisy hospital environments.  For animal-based studies, our DS4 Biphasic Stimulator is a suitable alternative to the DS5 and compatible with QtracW.

Recent updates to the QtracW software have added a feature that allows continuous skin temperature monitoring when a compatible temperature monitor is used.  Digitimer has developed the new D501 Isolated Temperature Monitor for this purpose.

For those unfamiliar with the application of QtracW software in studies of nerve excitability, we recommend the recent article by Prof. Matthew Kiernan and colleagues (Kiernan et al. 2020), which provides guidelines for the measurement of axonal excitability and provides a state of the art review of axonal excitability research.

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Product Information

QtracW Software

QtracW Operator’s Manual

Typical Equipment Setup for DS5/QtracW Installation

Publications which cite use of QtracW can be found on Google Scholar.




Do I need to attach the USB dongle to my PC in order to use the software?
Although dongles are convenient for transferring Qtrac licences between computers, they reduce the number of USB slots available and can be damaged if knocked. For these reasons a DongleIntern program is available in the Qtrac dongles folder on the QtracW download folder, which must be Run as Administrator and provides the option for SP dongles. The process may be reversed, but only if the same USB dongle is inserted.
I am interested in trying out the QtracW software, do you provide a free trial?
Yes, the software may be downloaded and used on a Windows PC that has never had QtracW installed for up to 50 days. After this time the program will stop working until an active QtracSP or QtracP dongle is connected to the PC.
My existing licence is about to expire, how do I extend my licence?
Existing users can extend the lifetime of their dongles, either individually or together for periods between 1 and 5 years upon payment of a fee. Just contact Digitimer with details of the licence holder and the unique identity of the USB dongle.
I have lost one of my USB dongles, can I get a replacement?
Digitimer can provide a replacement, but it would need to be purchased according to the current pricing schedule.
I want to transfer my QtracW licence to a new user, is this possible?
Yes, as the licence holder is the only person entitled to technical support, it makes sense for them to take ownership of the licence, so they can continue to receive assistance. There is a fee of 10% of the full licence cost and the dongles would need to be returned for re-programming. In the case of dongle registered to a company rather than an individual, the cost to change the end user contact name is 5%.
Do you offer any academic discount on QtracW licences?
Yes, the standard licence fee of £4000 for commercial entities is reduced by 50% for academic/hospital based users. The same discount applies to dongle extensions and purchase of individual dongles.
Do I have to purchase a set of three dongles from the outset?
Yes, new users are obliged to purchase a 3 year licence that includes one QtracSP dongle for acquisition and analysis, as well as two QtracP dongles for analysis and plotting.
If I have problems with the software and need help, who do I contact?
Please contact Digitimer in the first instance and we will do our best to help, however, each licence holder can also access direct assistance from Prof. Bostock as the developer of QtracW.


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    User Type

    Commercial User, Academic/Hospital User