D179 Performance Checker

D179 Performance Checker

£715.00 exc. VAT

Manufacturer's Net List Price


  • Improved version of the EPTA 1179 Unit
  • More accurate than the orginal 1179
  • Uses fewer leads
  • Single-handed operation



The Association of Neurophysiological Scientists (ANS, formerly known as EPTA) have transferred the manufacture of their model 1179 Performance Checker to Digitimer Ltd. As a result, we are now able to offer the updated 1179A unit (model D179) with or without the required function generator.

Guidelines drawn up by the ANS urge clinical neurophysiology departments to carry out certain routine checks on their equipment to ensure that it is operating within specified standards and that is where the D179 Performance Checker comes in so useful. While many instruments offer internal calibration functions, these checks do not, of course, provide any independent verification that the equipment is functioning correctly. Only by use of an independent external device to carry out EMG amplifier calibration (or EEG amplifier calibration) can such checks be conducted with complete confidence.

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Product Information

D179 Performance Checker





  • Operator’s Manual
  • 32 Red, 2 Black and 1 Green lead plus 1 BNC lead.


  • TG315 Function Generator
  • TG2511A Function Generator (includes Trigger Input for checking EP systems)


I have one of your D179 Performance Checkers for use with EEG and EMG amplifiers. Is it possible for me to use alternative signal sources other than those from Thurlby Thandar?
If an alternative signal source to the TG series is used to deliver signals to the EEG system via the attenuator, then the accuracy, resolution and stability of that source must comply with the specification given in the D179 operator's manual. An operator must be aware of the factors governing the validity of any calibration check performed. The more important aspects of this subject are dealt with in Annex IV of the manual. Any signal source proposed for EMG or Evoked Potentials will need to have a trigger input.


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