The D360 8 Channel Patient Amplifier is a computer-controlled 8-channel patient-isolated AC-coupled biological amplifier and analogue filter system, CE marked according to the European Medical Device Directive and intended for electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG) and evoked-potential (EP) applications in a research or clinical environment. The D360 features versatile high and low pass filter options as well as a maximum gain of x3,000,000. The system comprises a main amplifier unit, a remote active head-box and dedicated Windows-compatible control software, the latest version of which can be downloaded below.
Multiple D360 amplifier systems may be connected to a single PC allowing multiples of 8 channels to be controlled by one PC system. Electrode connection is via touch-proof 1.5mm (DIN 42 802) sockets on the headbox and signal output to your chosen acquisition device is possible either through the eight BNC connectors on the front panel or a pair of “D” connectors at the rear of the main unit. Because the Windows compatible D360 Control Software can run in parallel with your data acquisition program, adjustments to the amplifier settings or tasks such as impedance checking and de-blocking can be made while still monitoring data collection.
Among the features included in the D360 are electrode impedance checking and de-block. Impedance checking can be activated from the headstage or control software and impedances levels are indicated in the software or via LEDs conveniently located on the headstage. Thresholds for the impedance levels are fully customisable by the user. The de-block facility can also be accessed via the software or headstage and allows the input circuitry to be stabilised more quickly following electrode placement or movement. D360 Amplifiers now include an external de-block BNC input, which allows the operator to remotely “gate” the de-block function of the amplifier with a TTL-high command. This can be useful for D360 operators who need the amplifier to detect responses with short latency, following a magnetic stimulus pulse. De-blocking while the stimulus is delivered can enhance the recovery time of the amplifier circuitry.
Importantly, the D360 has analogue signal outputs making it compatible with the majority of commercially available data acquisition systems, so users are not restricted to any particular acquisition and analysis software.
The Digitimer D360 8-Channel Patient Isolated Amplifier has been referenced in nearly 700 research papers, which can be viewed on Google Scholar. A few of the most highly cited papers published since 2019 are provided below.
Lofredi, R., Tan, H., Neumann, W. J., Yeh, C. H., Schneider, G. H., Kühn, A. A., & Brown, P. (2019). Beta bursts during continuous movements accompany the velocity decrement in Parkinson’s disease patients. Neurobiology of Disease. Elsevier.
Ngo, H. V. V., Seibold, M., Boche, D. C., Mölle, M., & Born, J. (2019). Insights on auditory closed-loop stimulation targeting sleep spindles in slow oscillation up-states. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 316, 117–124.
Lofredi, R., Neumann, W. J., Brücke, C., Huebl, J., Krauss, J. K., Schneider, G. H., & Kühn, A. A. (2019). Pallidal beta bursts in Parkinson’s disease and dystonia. Movement Disorders, 34(3), 420–424.
Dupont-Hadwen, J., Bestmann, S., & Stagg, C. J. (2019). Motor training modulates intracortical inhibitory dynamics in motor cortex during movement preparation. Brain Stimulation, 12(2), 300–308.
Bologna, M., Guerra, A., Paparella, G., Colella, D., Borrelli, A., Suppa, A., … Berardelli, A. (2019). Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Has Frequency-Dependent Effects on Motor Learning in Healthy Humans. Neuroscience, 411, 130–139.
Guerra, A., Suppa, A., Asci, F., De Marco, G., D’Onofrio, V., Bologna, M., … Berardelli, A. (2019). LTD-like plasticity of the human primary motor cortex can be reversed by γ-tACS. Brain Stimulation, 12(6), 1490–1499.
Ibáñez, J., Hannah, R., Rocchi, L., & Rothwell, J. C. (2020). Premovement Suppression of Corticospinal Excitability may be a Necessary Part of Movement Preparation. Cerebral Cortex, 30(5), 2910–2923.
Avanzino, L., Cherif, A., Crisafulli, O., Carbone, F., Zenzeri, J., Morasso, P., … Konczak, J. (2020). Tactile and proprioceptive dysfunction differentiates cervical dystonia with and without tremor. Neurology, 94(6), e639–e650.
Welniarz, Q., Gallea, C., Lamy, J. C., Méneret, A., Popa, T., Valabregue, R., … Roze, E. (2019). The supplementary motor area modulates interhemispheric interactions during movement preparation. Human Brain Mapping, 40(7), 2125–2142.
Ibáñez, J., Spampinato, D. A., Paraneetharan, V., & Rothwell, J. C. (2020). SICI during changing brain states: Differences in methodology can lead to different conclusions. Brain Stimulation. Elsevier.
- Amplifier Main Unit and Preamplifier Headbox
- Mains Lead
- Operator’s Manual
- D360 Client Software (on USB flash drive)
- Daisy-chaining lead for systems comprising multiple D360’s)
- D360 Serial USB Adaptor (D360-USB-TO-SERIAL) – Allows use of USB port when host PC lacks a serial port
- Serial Communication Cable
- Switched Audio Inteface (D360-AIS) – Allows one channel at a time to be audibly monitored via PC sound card.
- Replacement D360 Preamplifier Headbox (D360-HS)
- Electrodes and accessories