The Automate Scientific Perfusion Pencil provides researchers with a low-cost method to focally apply solutions to cells in a dish or recording chamber. Available in 4 channel, 8 channel or 16* channel versions with 100µm, 250µm or 360µm removable tips.
- Rapid solution change with micro-litre dead volume.
- No piezo or stepper motor translation. No need for rotating valves.
- Single-cell and detached patch delivery.
- Flexible road mounting for any micromanipulatorEasy to connect and clean.
- Vacuum cross-contamination prevention – just use one tube to vacuum the tip volume clear between solution changes.
- Solid construction – easy to connect and clean.
- Supplied with 100µm, 250µm or 360µm removable tip polyimide tip, which can be cut to the desired length.
* Please contact Digitimer for details.