BSC2-2 Dual Channel Heated Interface Chamber

BSC2-2 Dual Channel Heated Interface Chamber


  • ‘Interface’ method of slice maintenance
  • Two completely independent channels
  • Use entire surface for multiple slices or reduced area with templates
  • Single well diamond shaped templates, other designs available upon request
  • Proportional temperature controller (PTC03) with low noise performance used for heating
  • Optional basic temperature controller (PTC04) for interface slice incubation or pharmacology only



The BSC2-2 Dual Channel Interface Chamber equivalent of the BSC2, incorporates two completely independent perfusion lines and channels for incubation of brain slices in interface mode. The base section is identical to the BSC2 and is compatible with the PTC03 Temperature Controller for electrical noise sensitive application, such as electrophysiology. However, the BSC2-2 can also be employed for purely pharmacological studies, where the lower cost PTC04 Temperature Controller is recommended.

This slice recording chamber is a dual version of the BSC2 designed to maintain isolated, living tissues in vitro in ‘interface’ mode and allow stable electrophysiological recordings to be made from the preparation. The temperature is controlled by a low noise proportional control heating unit, the PTC03 or in cases where only incubation or pharmacology is required, with a basic heating unit, the PTC04.

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BSC2-2 Dual Channel Interface Chamber




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