New Product – D189 Low Voltage Remote Electrode Selector
20% Discount on a D400 Noise Eliminator when purchased with an Amplifier
SPP-100 Extracellular Amplifier/Filter Launched
Importance of choosing the right medical device or research instrument
Medical devices and research instruments The importance of choosing the right one Searching for the ideal medical device or equipment
Which is the best peripheral nerve stimulator for my pain research?
Peripheral nerve stimulators Which is the best for my pain research? Pain is a huge area within human neuroscience research.
Our DS7 family – ideal for muscular electrical stimulation
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Mains interference – is there an alternative to a 50/60Hz notch filter?
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D185 – the future of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
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Which modules will I need for my D330 Multi-Channel Stimulator?
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Choosing a suitable micromanipulator
Micromanipulators Choosing suitable equipment for your application New to the world of electrophysiological micromanipulation? Selecting the right equipment can