SPP-400 Trigger Generator – Coming Soon

SPP-400 Trigger Generator – Coming Soon


  • Versatile TTL trigger source for our range of stimulators
  • Precise digital control & PC GUI
  • Single or two channel output
  • Adjustable output voltage
  • Free run, train or even repeating bursts
SKU: SPP-400 Category: Tag:



Currently in development, the NEW Digitimer SPP-400 Trigger Generator is a programmable digitally-controlled, single or two channel trigger source compatible with our range of electrical stimulators.

Like our DG2A Trigger Generator, the SPP-400 is cable of operating in multiple modes, including (i) Free Run (ii) Gated (iii) Single or (iv) Train.  However, because the SPP-400 can be used as a single or two channel device, with the output of Channel 1 linked to the input of Channel 2, it can also produce repeating trains or bursts of pulses which would be impossible with a single DG2A.

The SPP-400’s digital controls allow users to precisely and reproducibly set the timing and output parameters they require.  The SPP-400 also permits storage of up to eight pre-set protocols or configurations to the unit within the Protocol Manager for future recall.

Once available, the SPP-400 will be supplied with a Windows compatible virtual front panel GUI that will replicate the front panel display and controls, further enhancing ease of use.

Versatile Trigger & Control Options


The SPP-400 features an input BNC socket which allows external devices to either initiate a protocol of defined duration or start and stop output pulses in response to a voltage input.  There are three input mode options:-

  • Triggered – Output protocol will initiate on the rising or falling edge of a brief incoming trigger pulse e.g. a digital pulse from a DAQ device.  The voltage threshold may be adjusted between -10V and +10V.
  • Gated On/Off – Output active while its BNC input receives a voltage exceeding the threshold set on the SPP-400.
  • Trigger On, Trigger Off – Toggles the output with succesive incoming trigger pulses.

In addition to the BNC input, the SPP-400 features a manual trigger button which can be used in each of the three modes above.  The SPP-400 is also compatible with external foot and hand switches and incoporates an optional “de-bounce” control which prevents accidently multiple triggers when using these types of contact closure switches.

Precision Settings & Between Trial Reproducibility


One limitation of our DG2A Train/Delay Generator is the inability of the user to precisely set timing parameters via the analogue control dials.  Also, if the settings are changed between experimental trials, it is a challenge for the user to return the dials to their previous positions, which might impact experimental reproducibilty.

With the SPP-400 we have opted to use completely digital controls, and as a result, operator’s can precisely and reproducibly set the parameters they need for a particular experiment.  The addition of the on-board Protocol Manager ensures that the most commonly used protocols are rapidly recalled when the need arises.

Link Channels or Use them Independently

The inclusion of a second output channel massivley enhances the capabilities of the SPP-400 over the DG2A.  In its most basic role, Channel 2 can be used to insert a second delayed pulse after each pulse generated by Channel 1, replicating the delay setting provided by the DG2A.

However, the second channel can also be used in isolation, so a single external input or button press can trigger two devices with distinct timing characteristics, based on the individual settings of Channel 1 and Channel 2.

If the input of Channel 2 is linked to the output of Channel 1, it is possible to set the SPP-400 to deliver repeating bursts of pulses, with control of train/pulse frequency, train/pulse number, pulse duration, delay and even output voltage.  This more complex type of prococol was previously only possible via our modular NeuroLog System or a pair of DG2A’s.

Would you be interested in evaluating the new SPP-400?

Digitimer is about to release a limited batch of pre-production SPP-400’s which we are making available for short-term evaluation loans, in exchange for feedback from potential users.  If the SPP-400 might be of interest to you, please request a quote, and  if you think you can help with feedback, then please get in touch with us.


SPP-400 Trigger Generator
Product Information (not yet available)





  • Operator’s Manual
  • DC Power Supply (D.PSU40)
  • Mains lead
  • USB cable


  • D185-TC3 BNC Cable
  • D185-TC3-2m BNC Cable


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